Friday, January 22, 2010

Can Mucus And Cramps When Preiod Due Mean You Are Pregnant My Cat Has Bloody Mucus Coming From His But?

My cat has bloody mucus coming from his but? - can mucus and cramps when preiod due mean you are pregnant

He had diarrhea and was treated was much more than a week, well, yesterday was a result of diarrhea and is now back bloody mucus in your ass. What is it? Am I obligated to bring him into the emergency vet tonight or can I wait until Monday?


jlhelmic... said...

I had the same problem with my dog last week - bloody diarrhea with mucus. He was seriously dehydrated and his body temperature was four degrees below normal. It was Coccidia, a type of parasite that could be fluid, and died without receiving immediate attention, and he is currently on three different medications. Take your dog to the emergency room now, just in case.

Meg said...

My cat has a few months ago he had no diarrhea, but the blood came out, the disgusting! We will bring to the vet, but had only drawn to a new city, so we thought let a little bit, we, it was sexually transmitted, but maybe he was just dehydrated. I've had about 3 days and then off you go!

Jessica R said...

This could be very possible. : (I hope that is what it is and not something more serious: if there is something wrong with the cat, do not act like them, and show signs of illness. But do not count on that. "Deadly diseases are not necessarily cause pain to it's too late!

kittysta... said...

It could mean a torn muscle and mucous bloody diarrhea digestive disorders, poisoning, could mean a variety of diseases. The possibilities are endless. This can be life threatening, or easy to resolve. Do not take the chance:)

c@rol said...

Emergency veterinarian. Leaving the camp in the blood is never a good sign. I want to see what they have just said, before I learned

c@rol said...

Emergency veterinarian. Leaving the camp in the blood is never a good sign. I want to see what they have just said, before I learned

Anonymous said...

Yes, you take today evening! You will receive the treatment before, so it would be good.

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